
Integrated Library Planning

A New Model for Strategic and Dynamic Planning, Management, and Assessment

By Myka Kennedy Stephens (Association of College & Research Libraries, 2023)

Many library project plans, from small projects to institution-wide strategic planning committees, follow a linear trajectory: create the plan, do the plan, then review the outcome. While this can be effective, it also sometimes leads to disregarding new information that emerges while executing the plan, making the outcome less effective. Planning processes can also feel forced and predetermined if stakeholder feedback is not seriously considered. When this happens too many times, people stop offering their honest opinions and new ideas because they have learned that the planners do not really want to hear them. In a concise seven chapters offering illustrations, charts, sample outlines, and many tools and resources, Integrated Library Planning offers a different kind of approach to planning that is both strategic and dynamic. It is fueled by open communication, honest assessment, and astute observation. Voices at the table, near the table, and far from the table are heard and considered. Its perpetual rhythm gives space to consider new information when it emerges and freedom to make changes at a time that makes sense instead of when it is most convenient or expected. The components of this model might look deceptively similar to the strategic planning practices used in libraries and organizations for decades; however, when implemented as a whole, with a monthly review cycle on a rolling planning horizon and space for regular analysis of information needs and behavior, it has the potential to shatter any previous notions of planning that serve only to satisfy administrators. Integrated Library Planning can help libraries effectively navigate and become agents of change.

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Work-Life Balance of Women Leaders in the Association of Theological Schools

By Kelly Campbell (Atla Open Press, 2017)

“Although women often make up more than 50 percent of the student population at a theological institution, they are significantly underrepresented in leadership … accounting for fewer than 10 percent of the CEO’s in theological education.” Starting from this trenchant observation, Dr. Kelly Campbell’s ground-breaking research reporting on the work-life balance among successful women leaders in ATS-accredited schools provides an important first step in balancing, and indeed enriching, the leadership in theological education. This research is not only appropriate given the substantial increase in women studying in theological institutions but is particularly timely as well given the present generational retirement of the older and more traditional male leadership. Through analyzing and reporting the experience of the early vanguard of women leaders in theological education, Dr. Campbell hopes to encourage and guide a new generation of women leaders.

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